Thursday 5 February 2015

Wonderful Testimony of an Ex-Hindu Worshipper


I was a Hindu for over 26 years of my life. When I was born, my parents dedicated me to a pagan demon god. From that time, I was totally under the control of this demon goddess. I was a committed Hindu and was a temple dancer and singer for many years. I danced and sang in many temples in Malaysia and in India. Every time I danced in these temples, I would be totally under the power of the Hindu demon gods.
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From childhood I always had a deep hunger and thirst for the One True God. I read Hindu scriptures, but I did not find God in the so-called Hindu "sacred books." I visited Hindu temples, but I did not find God there. I joined the Sai Baba cult and was involved in Hindu witchcraft and the occult, but I did not find God! My body was afflicted with an illness that the doctors could not identify and could not cure, but my hunger and thirst for God never diminished.
Some months later I married my husband in a temple ceremony, but two years later the marriage was ready to break down, because I had brought the spirit of the Hindu gods into the marriage. My husband and I decided to go our separate ways because our marriage simply was not going anywhere. Although we still loved each other, the spiritual attack on our relationship was too great. I had pleaded with my gods to help me, to deliver me--but nothing happened.
On our last day together, my husband was invited to an Apostolic Pentecostal church in the city of Kuala Lumpur where we live. I insisted that I go with him to the church just to meet his friends there. "I am a Hindu, and I shall die a Hindu. I'm certainly not going to be converted," I declared. When I entered the church, a lady came up to me and asked if she could pray for me. I was hostile, but I allowed her to pray for me. All she did was to gently lay her hand upon me. A feeling that I had never experienced before went right through me. I stayed for a short while, and then left.
That night I could not sleep. I sat at the edge of my bed, and I cried out, "Jesus! The Christians call you "God." I am a Hindu, and I worship many gods. If you are the One true God that I am seeking for, I want to see you! Please help me!"
Suddenly, I felt a sweet presence fill the room. I could tangibly feel peace--and the love of God--wrap around me. A voice in my heart said, "I am Jesus!"
I started to weep, and felt deep healing take place in my heart. As I repented of all my sins, demonic strongholds were loosed from me, and I felt evil spirits leaving me. I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.(John 3:1-8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:47-48).
I grew up worshipping the names of two thousand gods, but there is only one name that saved me--the name of Jesus Christ! He alone is your only Deliverer--the One who is able to set you free from every imaginable bondage. No demon, no witch, no power on earth can stand against the power of the name of Jesus, and the power of His blood!
Today my husband is a full time minister, and we have a strong marriage. Yes, He healed our marriage, also, and together we are joyfully serving the Lord!

Vani Marshall

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